Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Steamed fish for dinner

Wet markets don't seem to be very popular here in Illinois. The only places where we can buy live or fresh fishes are usually those sold in asian stores. Yes, I mean those fishes that are still swimming around before you got your eyes on them and they got wacked on their head to get cleaned up for your next meal.

Among asians, I bet the chinese people are the most hard to please when it comes to fresh seafood. That means that go where the most chinese live and you should be able to find live seafood. 

So off to chinatown I went and got my live fish for tonight's meal. I forgot what fish specie it is. They used a net to catch the fish from the aquarium and confirm with you before wacking it to sleep, remove the scales, etc. Poor fish, but since it's not my pet, I didn't feel really sad.  It's the smallest fish in the tank and just good for two people.  It cost me approx USD7.

I cleaned it again before steaming it.  It's yummy and this is what it looked like:


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